I am a mother of two young children and I work in Learning and Organisational development for a University in Adelaide. I completed my yoga teacher training in Adelaide with Wendy Samek (Om Yoga). I did this over 3-4 years while creating two new humans, which gave me a unique perspective and appreciation for pre-natal/post natal yoga. I learnt and appreciated anatomy, how to use props to support alignment and just a drop of the over 5000 year history behind yoga.

I believe yoga is not just about bending and stretching; it’s about finding balance, clarity, and harmony in the practicality of everyday existence. I love to share yoga with others, especially those like me, who are looking to better coexist with the demands life throws at us, the demands work throws at us. My classes are perfect for people who need to find some peace amidst the chaos and cacophony, like I have.